Why is it so expensive ?

It takes 70,000 crocus flowers to produce one pound ( 454 grams ) of saffron. Only three stigmas are produced by each crocus flower, and the delicate stigmas can only be picked by hand.

Can anything be substituted for saffron ?

Two spices are sometimes used to achieve the same yellow color: turmeric and achiote. But neither of them can produce saffron’s unique flavor and medicinal benefits.

Where is saffron grown ?

Saffron may be expensive to grow, but it is cultivated in several countries. It is cultivated in western Asia, Spain, France, Italy, India, and other nations. The finest quality saffron comes from Kashmir.

How to buy and store Saffron ?

Always buy whole saffron threads, instead of powdered saffron, which may be cut with non-saffron ingredients. Saffron should be kept in Cap-Closed Borosil Glass or Sterling Silver containers & away from direct sunlight.As it is a Natural Herb it is advisable to avoid any Plastic Material & Should Not Be Refrigerated.

What is the shelf life of Saffron ?

It is better to consume it as fresh as possible, though it can be kept for 2 – 3 years. When kept for longer periods it loses its Aroma.

How to use old Saffron ?

Though when saffron is kept for longer periods it loses its aroma but it still retains its medicinal value if it is mixed with milk to make a paste and & is used to gently massage under the eyes to remove & avoid development of Dark circles, this paste can also be applied to the Neck & Elbows so that black patches are not formed.

From where does M.L saffron comes ?

ML Saffron is Natural Kashmiri Saffron.

How much saffron is advisable or safe for small children?

Children can be given 1(one) leaf of saffron in hot milk on a daily basis. It is advisable that one leaf of saffron in hot milk given to children from Diwali to Holi keeps them away from normal cough, cold & congestion, it also helps build immunity ( resistance to diseases ) in the body and improves memory.

Is saffron useful for the skin ?

In olden times in India, the yellow color produced by soaking saffron filaments in milk was called the very perfection of beauty. The use of saffron as a face mask to remove pimples and soothe rashes has been used since ancient times. Saffron is antiallergenic and a paste made from saffron, applied on the face and exposed parts of the body is used in the same way as foundation makeup is used. Saffron paste impart smoothness to a woman’s skin, it also gives the skin a golden tint

What is the Medicinal value of Saffron ?

Medicinal Applications

Action Alterative, anodyne, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, appetizer, carminative, emmenagogue, expectorant, sedative, stimulant, rejuvenative


Saffron is used in small doses only, for coughs, whooping cough, stomach gas, gastrointestinal colic and insomnia. As an ingredient in herb liqueurs, it serves as a stimulant to appetite; and it is sometimes made into a salve for treatment of gout.

Saffron is used in sedatives, as an antispasmodic and for flatulence. It is used in small doses in fever, melancholia, enlargement of the liver, and asthma. Saffron is also useful for treating anemia, chlorosis and seminal debility.

Saffron is considered to be a sovereign remedy, not to be excelled in virtue by any other drug as a stimulant and aphrodisiac. . It is also used in perfumes and dyes.

Other Other uses of Saffron:

for rheumatism and neuralgia
for looseness of the bowels to relieve flatulent colic, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea
for painful affections of the uterus for headaches
for bruises and superficial sores
snake bite
Saffron lowers the rate of heart disease. The spice is used by traditional healers to alleviate fatigue and exhaustion, as it strengthens the heart and nervous system. It is also known to improve the mood and clear the brain. Saffron is high in thiamin and riboflavin, two vitamins that are known to promote a healthy heart.

Are there any other health benefits of saffron ?

It is also relieves renal colic, reduces stomachaches and relieves tension. It has been used as a drug for flu-like infections, depression, and as a sedative. It is also considered that in small quantities it regulates women’s menstruation, and helps conception.

What is good Saffron ?

Good quality saffron gives a strong smell, taste and color. Less amount of product is actually required thus saving money. Buying poor quality actually doubles per serving cost. Quality Saffron also allows a consistent amount to be used over and over.

On what parameters is Saffron's quality measured ?

Saffron quality is determined by its ability to saturate a specific quantity of water with its yellow-red dye. In the laboratory, a photospectometry test is performed to determine this Coloring Strength (110 to 250+). This test specifically looks at crocin (color), and it ultimately determines picrocrocin (taste) and safranal (smell).

The following tests are conducted in a scienticfic laboratory for the analysis of saffron : –

1. Total ash% by mass.
2. Acid insoluble ash% by mass.
3. Moisture & volatile matter.
4. Solubility in cold water.
5. Bitterness ( u-v absorbance).
6. Safranal (u-v absorbance).
7. Colouring strength ( u-v absorbance).
8. Total Nitrogen % by mass.
9. Crude fibre % by mass.

Where is Saffron used apart from medicinal value ?

Saffron is used to flavor and tint many dishes around the world.. Saffron is also still used as a color dye in manufacturing and textile industries.

How to use saffron this winter?

his winter ,add 5-6 leaves of Saffron in 200ml boiled water in a glass container & cover it with a glass lid only( do not use any plastic glass or lid). Let it stay for 30 – 45 minutes till proper color & aroma is achieved. Drink it sip by sip for best results.

Can you suggest a tip on how to buy Saffron ?

If you’re going to buy the world’s most expensive spice, don’t be chintzy. It’s worth getting a top quality saffron, even if it costs more. You’ll taste the difference immediately. Look for threads with a dark, deep reddish-orange color..

Does the Quality Parameters of Grade I saffron remain the same or do they change with the passage of time?

When the fresh crop of saffron is tested according to the prescribed quality parameters it passes all the tests, But as a Natural Characteristic even Grade I saffron shows some deterioration in properties with the passage of time which is beyond anyone’s control. The company tries to ensure that the quality of saffron is not compromised at any point.

What is the difference between Grade I saffron & other saffron?

When Other saffron is kept in hot water the release of color will stop after 1 or 2 hours but when Grade I saffron is kept in hot water it will keep releasing color even if the glass is refilled again with the same saffron threads.

What is black strap molasses?

Black Strap Molasses is a concentrated juice extracted at the fourth boiling of organic sugarcane which contains maximum natural vitamins & minerals and minimum sugars.

How to store black strap molasses?

It is recommended that you buy organic, unsulfured blackstrap molasses and store it in an airtight glass container, either in a cool area or in the refrigerator. An opened container has a six- twelve month shelf life, while unopened jars can last up to one year.

. It is recommended that you buy organic, unsulfured blackstrap molasses and store it in an airtight glass container, either in a cool area or in the refrigerator. An opened container has a six- twelve month shelf life, while unopened jars can last up to one year.


How to consume?

Add one table spoon (10gm) in hot water & drink it sip by sip.

How much blackstrap molasses should I take a day?

Crystallization in black strap molasses is a natural phenomenon.

How to consume?

Add one table spoon (10gm) in hot water & drink it sip by sip.

How much blackstrap molasses should I take a day?

Approx. 10gm (1 Table Spoon) per day per adult.

Does black strap molasses crystalize?

Crystallization in black strap molasses is a natural phenomenon.

Does molasses Ferment due to use of wet spoon?

Since Organic Molasses is without any preservatives, it tends to ferment on coming in contact with air & moisture, so avoid using wet spoon.

What are the benefits of molasses?

Blackstrap molasses contains vital vitamins and minerals, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B. Blackstrap molasses is touted as a superfood. While it’s no miracle cure, it does have strong nutritional value with many benefits. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4441162/ https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/other/health-benefits-of-molasses.html http://www.sugar-and-sweetener-guide.com/molasses.html https://www.livestrong.com/article/506766-the-healthy-benefits-of-molasses/

Is there any side effects of molasses?

If molasses is taken more than recommended dosage then one can have loose stomach as a side effect. Molasses is safe for most people, but should be consumed in moderation.

How is this molasses organic?

Organic Soil – Sugarcane – Processing Without Chemicals – Lab Testing – Packing in Hygienic & Strict Quality Control Conditions – Scope Certificate – Transfer Certificate. All this is verified by third parties like USOCA, APEDA, One Cert.

History of molasses?

The English term molasses comes from the Portuguese melaço which in turn is derived from the Latin mel, meaning honey. Melasus (sic) was first seen in print in 1582 in a Portuguese book heralding the conquest of the West Indies. In ancient times it was consumed regularly to remain healthy.

What is the shelf life of molasses?

Opened bottles of molasses should be kept for 12 months from the date of packing when stored in a dry place away from heat & light and sealed after every use

Is molasses good for iron deficiency?
Blackstrap molasses, also known as pregnancy tea (1 tablespoon per day in a cup of hot water), is a good source of iron, B vitamins, and minerals.


Which is healthier molasses or maple syrup?

Maple syrup has a higher sugar content and a lower mineral content than blackstrap molasses.

Which is better molasses or sugar?

Molasses contains several important minerals, nutrients and antioxidants, making it a better option than refined sugar.

What is sugar cane vinegar?

Cane vinegar is made from syrup from sugar cane. The cane is harvested, crushed to extract the juice, simmered down into a syrup, and the syrup fermented into vinegar. Good ones are also aged in earthen pots.

How is sirka made?

It is now common for other types of vinegar (made from wine, rice and apple cider) to be sold mixed with cane vinegar to lower the cost. Sugarcane sirka is made from sugarcane juice, during summer cane juice is stored in earthenware pots with iron nails.

Is sugar cane vinegar good for health?

Organic Sugarcane vinegar has significant health benefits due to its natural acetic acid content, including blood sugar control, weight management, reduced cholesterol and antimicrobial properties.

How is synthetic vinegar made?

Vinegar is an aqueous solution of acetic acid and trace chemicals that may include flavorings. Vinegar typically contains 5–20% acetic acid by volume.

Does vinegar preserve food?

Pickling is the process of preserving or extending the lifespan of food by either anaerobic fermentation in brine or immersion in vinegar. … Pickling can preserve perishable foods for months. Antimicrobial herbs and spices, such as mustard seed, garlic, cinnamon or cloves, are often added.

Does vinegar require refrigeration?

Vinegar does not need to be refrigerated. The acidity of the vinegar effectively ensures that no bacteria will grow in it. Plus, vinegar is itself a preservative — which negates any need to preserve it by putting it in the fridge.

Does vinegar has any side effect?

Although vinegar is generally safe, too much of a good thing could prove harmful. Excessive consumption of acidic foods such as vinegar can contribute to degradation of tooth enamel as a side effect.

What is Jaggery Powder?

Jaggery (Gur) powder is extracted from organic sugarcane, and is obtained by boiling raw, concentrated sugar cane juice till it solidifies & powdered.

Is Jaggery powder better than sugar?

It is “healthier” to replace refined sugar as a sweetener because it has more vitamins and minerals and is chemical free.

Can we mix Jaggery powder with milk?

Milk and Jaggery powder together contain proteins, calcium and lactic acid that boost your digestive system. Apart from this, it also reduces the stomach related problem. Consumption of milk and Jaggery powder improves the haemoglobin levels in your body.

Does Jaggery powder spoil milk?

No, Milk with Jaggery powder is considered a healthy drink. … After boiling the milk you can add the Jaggery powder and mix it. Jaggery powder is very good source of energy and best replacement for refined sugar.

What is organic raw sugar?

Raw sugar is chemical free unrefined sugar extracted from organic sugarcane.

How is organic raw sugar produced?

Organic Raw Sugar is produced from organic sugarcane. Certified organic raw sugar must be processed, handled and packaged according to the US Department of Agriculture’s organic standards. No genetically modified seeds, synthetic pesticides, and fertilizers are allowed.

Which is the best organic sugar?

Organic sugar is a raw cane sugar that is blonde in colour. The colour comes from trace amounts of molasses found in its medium-sized crystals.

What's the difference between white sugar and raw sugar?

Raw sugar is chemical free unrefined sugar extracted from organic sugarcane. This sugar is light brown in colour and is termed raw sugar. The brown colour of raw sugar is due to presence of small amount of molasses. Raw sugar is the most natural sugar you can hope to lay your hands on. However, white sugar is refined with chemicals which can be harmful.

How is organic brown sugar made?

Brown or Demerara sugar is made from crystallized sugar cane juice and spun in a centrifuge to remove some of the molasses. The sugar crystals are large and golden-coloured due to the presence of molasses.

Is Brown Sugar as bad as white?

Because of its molasses content, brown sugar does contain certain minerals, most notably calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium (white sugar contains none of these).

Is Brown Sugar healthy?

Brown sugar is a healthier sugar option as it has a low Glycaemic Index (GI) it contains Molasses (potassium, iron, calcium and other minerals) which promote metabolism

Why is organic sugar Brown?

Bro sugar is chemical free unrefined sugar extracted from organic sugarcane. This sugar is light brown in colour and is termed Bro sugar. The brown colour of Bro sugar is due to presence of small amount of molasses. Bro sugar is the most natural sugar you can hope to lay your hands on. However, white sugar is refined with chemicals which can be harmful.